Philly Style Hot Roast Beef or Roast Pork (Green) Chickie and Petes Breakfast MenuĬhickie’s Wings Classic or Boneless (Small) So here we have provided you with their full menu along with their price list. It has a wide range of American cuisine in its menus such as burgers, steaks, chicken items, etc which can be enjoyed with your family and friends. So people can enjoy the game night with their family or friends and order from a wide range of American cuisine. The restaurant provides full of entertainment and food while watching sports. Here you can also find information about its Saturday Hours, Sunday Hours, etc. So if you are thinking about enjoying the game night with your friends and family, then you can head out to Chickie and Petes and try their delicious menu there. So you can enjoy your football match while gorging on a wide variety of burgers, steaks, seafood, etc. It offers the mindblowing combination of food and sports to its guests, so it has delicious American cuisine in its menu.
So if you are looking for Chickie and Petes Menu and Chickie and Petes Prices, you have come to the right place. Chickie and Petes is an American sports bar and restaurant based in Philadelphia, USA.